The Athelas Response to Coronavirus*

As this new illness spreads, Athelas Therapy would like to take a few minutes to talk about what we’re doing to provide as safe an environment as possible.

  1. This is a one woman operation. I am most likely the only person you will see here. I don’t book back-to-back appointments. You will not be in a waiting room with a dozen other people. At most, you might see my husband. You will see the dog; she will make sure of that.
  2. As always, each client has fresh, clean linens, hands are washed frequently, and any tools used are sanitized.
  3. The guest bathroom is supplied with soap, paper towels, bleach wipes, and paper toilet seat covers.
  4. The bathroom and treatment studio are sanitized between clients.
  5. We ask that shoes be removed in the entryway, to prevent tracking of anything.
  6. We are working on a more in-depth strategy to implement, should the need arise.

*Points 2-4 are known as universal precautions. Other than the toilet seat covers, these have always been the case.

Athelas is a trusted service provider for a number of immuno-compromised clients, and we are confident that we can continue to provide the highest standards of care our industry offers.